How to Make a Will in NC

How to Make a Will in NC

Whether you possess wealth or a meager home of sentimental valuables, writing a will is crucial for your family’s peace of mind. It is not a complex or lengthy process to write a legitimate will. Let’s look at how to make a will in NC. 

Medicaid Planning in North Carolina

Medicaid Planning in North Carolina

Almost 70% of Americans age 65 now will need some type of long-term care in the future. Medicaid may cover all of your long-term care costs if your income and assets are below the set levels in North Carolina. But how do you hold onto your savings and qualify for Medicaid at the same time? Let’s look at how to do Medicaid planning in North Carolina.

Living Will vs Will

Living Will vs Will

If you are thinking about estate planning, you may wonder about the difference between a will and a living will. Estate planning is all about how to prepare for the unexpected in your life. Planning for your future health issues or death gives your family the tools they need to get through a crisis. Let’s look at what it means to write a will vs. writing a living will.

Why You Need a Medical Power of Attorney

Why You Need a Medical Power of Attorney

If a medical event or accident happens and you can’t make decisions for yourself, do you want the state to decide who makes decisions for you? You need a medical power of attorney to make your wishes known and designate the person you trust as your medical decision-maker. 

What Happens if You Die Without a Will?

What Happens if You Die Without a Will?

Staying prepared for the day that you leave this world is a gift to your family. Too often, when individuals die, their families and loved ones are left wondering what to do. Dying without a will leaves your heirs confused and your assets up for grabs. Let’s look at what happens if you die without a will.

What is Money Laundering?

What is Money Laundering?

Making money is often the motive for a crime. Money laundering involves hiding your criminal profits by making the money look legitimate. Let’s look at how laundering money works and what happens if you are caught in the act of money laundering.

What Is White Collar Corporate Crime?

What Is White Collar Corporate Crime?

White-collar corporate crime is not usually something you seek out and plan to do. Instead, you commit a crime at a legitimate job for your employer’s benefit. You may not think of yourself as a criminal or see your wrongdoing as criminal. Corporate crime is one small subsection of white-collar crime. You may even wonder exactly what is white-collar corporate crime. Let’s look at what it is and who it hurts. 

PWISD Charges: What Does It Mean For Me?

PWISD Charges: What Does It Mean For Me?

Getting charged with a PWISD is not as simple as a possession charge. PWISD is short for “Possession with Intent to Sell or Deliver” a controlled substance. Controlled substances include everything from marijuana to heroin. However, depending on what drug you possess, the penalties can be vastly different. Let’s look at what can happen when you face PWISD charges and how to get the best outcome in your particular case. 

Marijuana Possession Charges in NC

Marijuana Possession Charges in NC

14% of people in North Carolina last year age 12 years and older used an illicit drug in the past year. As NC now considers a bill that would allow medical marijuana use, what happens if you face marijuana possession charges? Let’s look at current marijuana possession charges in NC.