Car Accident Settlement: Calculate How Much

Car Accident Settlement: Calculate How Much

A car accident can give you headaches, literally and figuratively. From calling your insurance to getting your car repaired, a wreck is never convenient or easy. It is even worse if you have an injury causing pain or watch a loved one suffer from injuries related to the accident. A car accident settlement can bring you much-needed financial relief for the problems you face after an accident. Find out how much to expect.

How to Tell Who is At Fault in a Car Accident

How to Tell Who is At Fault in a Car Accident

After a car accident in North Carolina, your mind races, your pulse skyrockets, and you check for injuries. Your blood pounds in your ears as you wonder, “Whose fault is this accident?” Often it is easy to see our own perspective on the accident. However, often drivers disagree about how the turn of events came about. With witnesses, police officers, and the driver’s stories, there are differing ways of seeing fault. Specific laws in North Carolina show how to tell who is at fault in a car accident. Let’s look at how those laws work in real life.

How Long After a Car Accident Can You Claim Injury?

How Long After a Car Accident Can You Claim Injury?

After a car accident, you may not realize that you are injured at first. The initial adrenaline high after a crash dulls the pain. You might see a physical therapist or chiropractor months later and finally put it all together. You’ve been injured in a car accident and need to make a claim. But how long after a car accident can you claim an injury?

What to Expect Physically After a Car Accident

What to Expect Physically After a Car Accident

If you’ve driven for a few years, you most likely had a fender bender. However, if you are in a crash that throws you around a bit, it is possible to think you are fine when you may not be. If a car accident has you all shook up, there is a reason for that. Find out what to expect physically after a car accident.

How to Dispute Fault in A Car Accident

How to Dispute Fault in A Car Accident

If you’re in a car accident and the bills start piling up, you might feel overwhelmed by the trauma of it all. You can feel even worse if you are blamed as “at fault.” No matter what happened to cause the accident, you have a right to tell your side of the...

What is an Ignition Interlock Device?

What is an Ignition Interlock Device?

With a DWI conviction in NC, there is always a period of time that you lose your license. In some cases, a habitual offender is allowed to drive only if they are driving an auto that has an ignition interlock device. Learn about what an ignition interlock device is and how it works to control driving while impaired.

How Long Does a DWI Stay on My Record?

How Long Does a DWI Stay on My Record?

If you already have a DWI conviction, you know what it is like to face fines, community service hours, a suspended license, or even jail time. You also have experience with others treating you as less than because of your criminal record. Let’s look at if and when it is possible to leave a DWI behind for good.

What Is a DWI?

What Is a DWI?

In North Carolina, if a law enforcement officer has reasonable suspicion to pull you over and give you a breathalyzer test, you could potentially be charged with “Driving While Impaired.” Learn more about what the DWI charge means and how it can affect your life.