Larceny vs Theft: What’s the Difference?

Larceny vs Theft: What’s the Difference?

Larceny and theft are terms often used interchangeably to describe unlawfully taking someone else’s property. However, larceny refers specifically to the unlawful taking and carrying away of another person’s property without their consent, intending to deprive them of it permanently. On the other hand, theft encompasses a broader range of offenses, including larceny but also incorporating other acts such as embezzlement, fraud, and receiving stolen goods. Read on to learn more about larceny vs theft and what these terms mean in North Carolina.

Alimony vs Spousal Support in North Carolina

Alimony vs Spousal Support in North Carolina

If you’re currently undergoing a separation or divorce in North Carolina, you may wonder about alimony vs spousal support. It’s perfectly normal to feel anxious about how things will play out financially, especially if you’re considered a dependent spouse. Court-ordered post-separation support and alimony are both types of spousal support. Let’s take a closer look at both types of spousal support and the various factors that can impact a judge’s decision to award them.

Signs Your Marriage is Over Quiz (And When You Can Save It)

Signs Your Marriage is Over Quiz (And When You Can Save It)

Recognizing the signs that it’s time to call it quits on a marriage can be difficult and emotionally charged. Our comprehensive “Signs Your Marriage Is Over Quiz” may help shed light on the state of your marriage and offer guidance on your best next steps. We will also offer 10 signs that you may be able to save your marriage. While a marriage quiz can never give you an answer about whether divorce is the best decision for you and your spouse, it can get you thinking and help you discuss crucial relationship issues with your spouse.

“Am I In An Abusive Relationship?” Quiz

“Am I In An Abusive Relationship?” Quiz

20 critical indicators suggest you’re in an abusive relationship. And if these signs are present, it may be time to consider filing for a protective order or pressing domestic violence charges in North Carolina. By highlighting the signs of domestic abuse, we aim to help you identify the gravity of your situation, seek the needed support, and take decisive steps to break free from the cycle of abuse. Everyone deserves to live a life free from violence, fear, and harm.

Violation of Protection Order Consequences

Violation of Protection Order Consequences

Violation of a protection order for domestic violence is a criminal offense that can lead to dire consequences, including potential criminal charges and conviction, imprisonment, and severe penalties. Find out more about the legal implications of a conviction and understand the importance of adhering to protective orders to avoid the potential consequences of a criminal record.

How to Acquire Your Naturalization Certificate

How to Acquire Your Naturalization Certificate

To become a United States citizen, you must meet many eligibility requirements as outlined in the Immigration and Nationality Act. For those who are seeking to become naturalized citizens, hiring an experienced immigration lawyer can be incredibly helpful in increasing your chances of success. This comprehensive guide will provide all the information you need to upgrade your permanent residence status and become a U.S. citizen!

10 Examples of Executor Misconduct in North Carolina

10 Examples of Executor Misconduct in North Carolina

Executors manage estate assets and distribute property to heirs. Unfortunately, there are cases where executors engage in misconduct, whether by accident or on purpose. In these cases, executors violate their fiduciary duties and cause harm to the heirs. Read on to explore examples of executor misconduct, why it happens, and how to prevent it.

Commercial Driver’s License DUI/DWI in NC

Commercial Driver’s License DUI/DWI in NC

If you are a CDL holder in North Carolina and receive a DUI/ DWI, the penalties can be harsh. Commercial drivers have a blood alcohol limit of .04, half the limit for other drivers. If you face a commercial driver DUI/ DWI conviction in our state, you could lose your CDL license for a year or longer. Learn the consequences of getting a DUI/ DWI as a commercial driver in North Carolina and how to defend against these charges.