Charged With DWI/ DUI Resulting in Death?

Charged With DWI/ DUI Resulting in Death?

If you are facing DUI charges that resulted in a death, you may feel overwhelmed and unsure of what to do next. It’s important to remember that you have rights, and there are legal defenses available to you. Learn about the different types of charges you may face and the possible defenses you may use to begin building your case.

Life With an Abusive Wife: Helping Men End Domestic Abuse

Life With an Abusive Wife: Helping Men End Domestic Abuse

If you’re a man living with an abusive wife or partner, it can be challenging to know what to do. You may feel like you should just put up with it. However, this isn’t the healthiest or safest option for you or any children involved. Domestic abuse against men is more common than you think and can turn lethal in a split second. If you’re a man facing domestic abuse, taking steps to protect yourself and your loved ones is essential.

Weed DUI Test: Can You Face Charges for Driving High?

Weed DUI Test: Can You Face Charges for Driving High?

In North Carolina, it is illegal to operate a vehicle while under the influence of an “impairing substance,” including marijuana. Unlike alcohol impairment, a police officer can’t quickly determine marijuana impairment with a breath test. So what happens if police officers catch you driving high in North Carolina? Let’s take a look.

How Many Points for a DUI in North Carolina?

How Many Points for a DUI in North Carolina?

In North Carolina, a DWI/ DUI conviction can result in various consequences that can negatively impact your life for years. The state imposes harsh penalties for those convicted of DWI/ DUI, including points on your driver’s license and increased insurance rates. This blog post will examine how many points you can receive for a DWI/ DUI and other penalties and fines you may face if convicted.

Communicating With Beneficiaries As An Executor

Communicating With Beneficiaries As An Executor

If you’re an executor not communicating with beneficiaries, everyone involved in the probate process may feel worried and on edge. However difficult it may feel to communicate with heirs, communication is essential to the process. Learn to discuss estate administration with beneficiaries effectively and keep beneficiaries informed during the estate administration process!

Executor vs Trustee: What’s the Difference?

Executor vs Trustee: What’s the Difference?

When someone dies, their estate’s assets and debts must be settled. This process can be complex, so choosing the right person to handle your assets is essential. Both executors and trustees have a legal obligation to distribute assets to beneficiaries. However, they tackle different responsibilities after paying off creditors and debts. Learn more about the roles of executor vs trustee and see which type of estate planning might be right for you!

What is a 50B Protective Order? What Does It Do?

What is a 50B Protective Order? What Does It Do?

If you are a victim of domestic violence, one of the best things you can do to protect yourself is to get a 50B, also known as a Domestic Violence Protective Order (DVPO). But what exactly does a 50B restraining order include? Keep reading to find out what a restraining order can do to help you feel safe again.

Does Reactive Abuse Mean You’re Abusive?

Does Reactive Abuse Mean You’re Abusive?

When a domestic violence victim reacts to aggression with insults, violence, or yelling of their own, it may be in self-defense. However, in the eyes of the law, it can sometimes be difficult to tell who is really abusive and who is just reacting. Learn more about reactive abuse, why it happens, and how to protect yourself and your family!