Criminal Conversation Law: What Is a Home Wrecker?

Criminal Conversation Law: What Is a Home Wrecker?

When you think of a home wrecker, you may picture someone who causes chaos in your home. And you would be right! Under North Carolina law, you may file a lawsuit for monetary damages if someone “sleeps with” or takes the affection of your spouse before you separate. Let’s look at how criminal conversation and alienation of affection lawsuits work in NC.

What is a Springing Durable Power of Attorney?

What is a Springing Durable Power of Attorney?

Do you have a plan for what would happen if you couldn’t make decisions for yourself? What if you became incapacitated and couldn’t tell your loved ones what you want? If you don’t have an answer to these questions, then you need to consider creating a springing durable power of attorney. This document will designate someone to make decisions for you if you can’t do so yourself. Let’s take a closer look at what this legal document can do for you and your loved ones.

Dying Intestate vs Dying Testate. What’s the Difference?

Dying Intestate vs Dying Testate. What’s the Difference?

When someone dies, the court must determine how to handle their estate. This process is called probate. A probate court can handle an estate in two ways: testate (dying with a will) or intestate (dying without a will). In this blog post, we will explore the difference between intestate vs testate definitions and help you decide which is best for you and your loved ones!

Heirs at Law or Heirs in Law? Protecting Your Inheritance

Heirs at Law or Heirs in Law? Protecting Your Inheritance

If you die without a will in place, the state of North Carolina will determine who inherits your assets based on intestate laws. These laws are precise and outline an order in which heirs at law inherit from the deceased. Learn about North Carolina’s intestate succession laws and see how they affect the heirs of a person who dies without a will.

What You Need to Know About DNR and DNI

What You Need to Know About DNR and DNI

If you’re like most people, the idea of being resuscitated in the event of a heart attack or other medical emergency is pretty frightening. That’s why it’s essential to understand your options when it comes to advance directives for healthcare. Let’s look at DNR and DNI advance directives and explain why they may or may not be best for you.

Who Inherits Everything After a Death?

Who Inherits Everything After a Death?

When someone dies, their loved ones are often left wondering who inherits everything. This can be difficult to answer, especially if the deceased person did not leave a will. In most cases, the estate will go through probate to distribute the assets. However, there is no one answer to this question – it depends on individual circumstances. Let’s take a closer look at how to know who inherits an estate.

What is a POA Medical Abbreviation? How Does It Help You in Emergencies?

What is a POA Medical Abbreviation? How Does It Help You in Emergencies?

What is a POA medical abbreviation? It stands for Power of Attorney for Healthcare. A POA medical designation gives someone you trust the authority to make healthcare decisions for you if you cannot do so yourself. There are different types of POAs, and each has its own set of benefits if you become incapacitated. Let’s explore the different types of POAs and how they can help you in emergencies.