Top 3 Benefits of Medicaid Planning

Top 3 Benefits of Medicaid Planning

Long-term care services are only available for short stints through Medicare and private insurers. So what will happen if you are in the 70% of those 65 and up who will need long-term care? Learn the top benefits of Medicaid planning in North Carolina and find out how you can qualify for Medicaid without losing your home or assets.

Power of Attorney vs Guardianship

Power of Attorney vs Guardianship

You may not want to think about ever needing a caregiver or someone to make decisions for you. However, someone can petition the court to place you under guardianship. But, guardianship is unnecessary if you already have a Durable General Power of Attorney. Your power of attorney (that YOU pick) legally manages your affairs without court interference. Let’s look at the pros and cons of power of attorney vs guardianship and how to best plan for your future.

Are You a Gun Enthusiast? Make Plans for Your Future

Are You a Gun Enthusiast? Make Plans for Your Future

According to the Washington Post, “roughly 20 to 30 percent of Americans personally own one or more guns.” However, gun enthusiasts know that personal ownership is not the best way to “own” guns. Let’s look at how to own your guns without “personal ownership” so that you can better protect your weapons and gun collections.

How Does Inheritance Tax Work in NC?

How Does Inheritance Tax Work in NC?

If you name someone as an heir in your will, you may wonder if they will need to pay inheritance taxes. The short answer is “No.” However, there are types of taxes to watch out for. You may pay taxes if you give a significant monetary gift to an heir while still living. Let’s look at how estate and inheritance tax works in NC.

Does an Executor have to Show Accounting to Beneficiaries?

Does an Executor have to Show Accounting to Beneficiaries?

If you are the beneficiary to a will, you may wonder if the executor is doing their duty as the fiduciary. Are they properly handling the estate’s inventory process? Settling an estate in probate court can be a long and drawn-out public process. But does an executor have to show accounting to beneficiaries? Learn about the duties of an executor.

Why Include a No Contest Clause in Your Will?

Why Include a No Contest Clause in Your Will?

If you are planning for end-of-life, you’ve probably written a last will and testament. If family members argue over the fairness of your will, someone may dispute the validity of your will by filing a will contest. Including a “No Contest Clause” in your will can prevent endless inheritance battles in court. Find out how to prevent will contests.

What is the Difference Between a Living Will vs a DNR?

What is the Difference Between a Living Will vs a DNR?

Prepare for the future by drawing up “Advance Directives” with your attorney. Advance directives let doctors and your loved ones know about your medical treatment wishes. Living wills and DNR (Do Not Resuscitate) orders are examples of advance directives. Learn about the difference between a living will vs. a DNR order. 

How to Keep Your Class 3 Firearms Safe

How to Keep Your Class 3 Firearms Safe

Because of the federal laws about NFA weapons, you must register them with the federal government. You must have proper FTC licensing to own these “class 3 firearms”. Learn how to keep your NFA guns safe from confiscation.

How Long Do You Have to Contest a Will?

How Long Do You Have to Contest a Will?

If you expect to inherit from a loved one but find out you’ve disinherited, you may feel shocked and disbelieving. As time passes, it’s normal to think about what possible recourse you have in the matter. If you suspect foul play or fraud, you may consider seeking legal recourse. Let’s look at valid reasons to file a dispute and see how long you have to contest a will in North Carolina.