In North Carolina, vehicular homicide charges can lead to severe penalties, including substantial fines and jail time. Taking immediate action can protect your rights and build a strong defense. Below are some steps to consider immediately after the incident.

Contact an Attorney

Navigating the legal landscape following a vehicular homicide charge requires skilled guidance. Reach out to a qualified attorney as soon as possible to discuss your case. They can help you understand your rights and the intricacies of North Carolina law, providing you with the information needed to make informed decisions.

Consult your attorney before speaking with insurance companies or giving official statements to anyone. Making premature or incorrect statements could adversely affect your case.

Remain Silent

You’ve probably heard the term “Miranda Rights,” which includes your right to remain silent. This means you don’t have to talk to the police and shouldn’t until you’ve consulted an attorney.

Anything you say can be used against you in court, and your words might unintentionally implicate you further. Also, don’t talk about what happened on a phone line in a police station or jail. They may record your conversations.

Notify Family and Trusted Contacts

While facing a serious charge, emotional and logistical support can be invaluable. Contact close family members and trusted friends and tell them what happened. They can serve as emotional pillars and may provide other forms of support.

Taking these immediate actions can significantly impact the outcome of your case. Each vehicular homicide case is unique, and specific advice should come from your criminal defense attorney, who can tailor their counsel to your particular situation.

Preserving Evidence

When facing a vehicular homicide charge in North Carolina, your actions in the immediate aftermath are critical.

One often overlooked aspect is preserving evidence and gathering witnesses to aid your defense.

This section outlines key steps you should consider to strengthen your legal position. Always consult with your attorney to navigate this complex process effectively.

Collect All Relevant Information

If it’s feasible and safe, try to gather as much information as possible from the scene. This could include photographs, names of any eyewitnesses, and other details that may be helpful down the line.

However, an attorney should guide this process to ensure it’s done legally and effectively.

Witness Statements

Witnesses can play a crucial role in any legal case. Secure the contact information of anyone who may have seen the incident. Your attorney can then follow up with these individuals to gather formal statements that could benefit your defense.

Document Events

While the incident is still fresh in your memory, jot down everything that happened before, during, and after the event. These notes can help your attorney build a more solid case. It’s far easier to recall these details now rather than weeks or months later when you may have to testify.

Medical Records

If you or others in your vehicle face injuries, obtain all medical records and bills. These documents can provide important contextual information and be vital evidence.

Vehicle Assessment

Your car can serve as a significant piece of evidence. Do not have your vehicle repaired before an assessment takes place. It might hold clues that can prove beneficial to your case.

Preserving evidence can go a long way in establishing a robust defense. Always consult your attorney for personalized advice tailored to your case and circumstances.

Understanding North Carolina’s Motor Vehicle-Related Offenses and Penalties

Whether it’s a misdemeanor or felony charge, understanding what’s at stake can significantly affect how you approach your defense. From driving violations causing injuries to more severe charges like vehicular homicide, understanding charges and potential penalties can help you feel more prepared.

Definition of Vehicular Homicide in North Carolina

Vehicular homicide, often referred to as “Felony Death by Vehicle,” is a serious criminal offense in North Carolina. In simple terms, this charge applies when a person unintentionally causes the death of another while driving impaired.

Key Elements of the Charge

The law sets out three specific criteria that the court must prove for a conviction of Felony Death by Vehicle:

  1. Unintentional Death of Another Person: You didn’t mean to cause death, but someone died as a result of your actions.
  2. Engagement in Impaired Driving: You were driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs at the time of the accident.
  3. Proximate Cause: The impaired driving must be the direct cause of the victim’s death. In other words, the death wouldn’t have happened if you weren’t driving impaired.

Legal Consequences: Sentencing Ranges and Potential Penalties

Felony Death by Vehicle is a Class D felony in North Carolina. If convicted, you could face severe penalties, including license revocation and substantial jail time. Being convicted of a Class D felony for Felony Death by Vehicle can result in the following penalties:

  • Jail Time: You could face incarceration ranging from 38 to 160 months, depending on various factors like prior criminal history.
  • License Revocation: Expect a long-term or potentially permanent loss of your driving privileges.
  • Fines: Financial penalties can be substantial, often reaching into the thousands of dollars.
  • Civil Lawsuits: Beyond criminal penalties, you may also be subject to civil litigation from the victim’s family, seeking damages for wrongful death.

Given the gravity of these charges, immediate action is crucial. Contact a qualified attorney for guidance and representation tailored to your situation.

Misdemeanor Death by Vehicle

This offense occurs if you unintentionally cause someone’s death while violating a State law or local ordinance related to motor vehicle, operation, or traffic regulation.

Misdemeanor Death by Vehicle is a serious crime that could lead to license revocation for up to a year, a probationary sentence, community service, and even jail time. This is a Class A1 misdemeanor and could carry a potential jail sentence of 150 days.

What the State Must Prove

For the State to prove you’re guilty, they must show three things:

1- You Accidentally Caused Someone’s Death

This means you didn’t mean to kill anyone, but someone died because of your actions.

2- You Broke a Traffic Law

You must have been breaking some traffic rule at the time, but not one related to drunk or impaired driving.

3- Your Actions Led to the Death

The State must prove that breaking the traffic law was a direct reason for the death. This is called ‘proximate cause.’ Basically, the accident wouldn’t have happened if you hadn’t broken the law, and it was predictable that breaking the law could lead to something serious like this.

Your actions don’t have to be the only reason for the death, just a significant part of what led to it.

Felony Serious Injury by Vehicle

This charge comes when you unintentionally cause serious injury to someone while engaged in impaired driving, which must be one of the main causes of the injury. In this case, a ‘serious injury’ is an injury causing much pain and suffering.

If you get charged with Felony Serious Injury by Vehicle in North Carolina, you face a Class F felony. This could mean losing your driver’s license for up to 4 years and spending up to 59 months in jail.

How the Court Decides an Injury is ‘Serious’

The court uses various ways to decide if an injury counts as ‘serious.’ These can include the pain level, how much blood was lost, whether the person had to go to the hospital, and if they missed work because of the injury.

What the State Must Prove

To find you guilty of this charge, the State has to show:

1- You Caused a Serious Injury by Accident

You didn’t mean to hurt someone, but your actions led to their severe injury.

2- You Were Driving Impaired

You were under the influence of alcohol or drugs while driving.

3- Your Impaired Driving Caused the Injury

The State has to show that your being impaired was a key reason the other person got seriously hurt. This is known as the ‘proximate cause.’ Your actions have to be a significant reason the injury occurred, not the only or closest reason.

Aggravated Felony Serious Injury

If you’re charged with Aggravated Felony Serious Injury in North Carolina, it’s a Class E felony. Conviction can result in losing your driver’s license forever and facing up to 88 months in jail.

What the State Needs to Prove

To find you guilty, the State has to establish several things:

1- You Accidentally Caused Serious Injury

You didn’t intend to harm anyone, but someone got seriously injured because of what you did.

2- You Were Driving While Impaired

At the time of the accident, you were driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

3- Your Impaired Driving Led to the Injury

The State must show that your impaired driving was a primary reason for the other person’s serious injury. This is known as ‘proximate cause.’

4- You Have a Prior Impaired Driving Conviction within the Last Seven Years

You were convicted of an impaired driving offense within seven years before this incident.

If all of these conditions are met, you could be found guilty of Aggravated Felony Serious Injury.

Role of Law Enforcement and Investigation

When an incident involving vehicular homicide occurs, law enforcement plays a crucial part. They arrive on the scene to assess the situation, focusing on both immediate safety concerns and gathering evidence.

Officers evaluate the conduct of drivers to determine if anyone was driving in a grossly negligent manner, reckless manner, or simply negligent manner. This involves testing for intoxicating liquor or drug use.

While operating a motor vehicle in such conditions can result in felony charges, law enforcement also considers other contributing factors like road safety conditions or another person’s involvement in the incident.

Court Process

If you face charges for vehicular homicide, you will have to navigate a complex court process.

As a defendant, you can be found guilty of a felony. The sentence for such an offense can be severe, especially if the prosecution proves injury proximately caused by your violation of law.

During court proceedings, gross negligence, recklessness, or general negligence could all play a significant role in the final sentence, ranging from an additional two to three years, depending on the specific felony classification.

Key Defenses

Navigating through these charges requires a strong defensive strategy. One common approach is the affirmative defense, which can challenge the notion that your actions were the proximate result of the injury or death.

The defense may also argue against:

  • Allegations of driving under the influence of alcohol or other drugs
  • Questioning the validity of tests
  • Arguing that the death of a human being or unborn child did not result from your conduct but from other factors.

Essentially, the objective is to put the blame away from the person charged, either by questioning the role of their vehicle in the incident or by introducing other reasons for the injury or fatality.

Because of the complexity involved in vehicular homicide cases, proper legal representation is crucial.

We Can Help

If you’re facing accidental death or injury by vehicle charges, contact us at Cape Fear Law Firm. Our dedicated team understands the ins and outs of North Carolina’s vehicular manslaughter and homicide laws and the court process.

We’ll assess your situation carefully and develop a strategic criminal defense that targets key aspects of the prosecution’s case against you. From challenging the role of your vehicle in the incident to scrutinizing the law enforcement’s investigation procedures, we aim to cast doubt on the prosecution’s claims.

Don’t navigate these complex legal waters alone. Allow our experienced legal team to guide you, increasing your chances for a more favorable outcome.